Underfloor Heating In Preschools

Underfloor heating has many advantages, but you should also be aware of the disadvantages. Before installation, get detailed information from a specialist.

heat pump underfloor heating

Benefits of underfloor heating in schools

A preschool with underfloor heating offers unlimited furnishing options. Nowhere are there radiators that are in the way or draw attention to themselves. You are therefore very flexible when designing your own room. There is also no need to paint or clad the heating.

The even distribution of heat makes it much harder for mold and mites. This protects your health and your students. Since you always have warm feet, a room temperature reduced by around two degrees Celsius is sufficient.

You do not need high temperatures to operate the underfloor heating. It gives off heat evenly and ensures a comfortable feeling. As a result, there is no dust turbulence, as you are probably familiar with from conventional radiators.

Disadvantages of the heating system

Underfloor heating does not only bring advantages. The system also has some disadvantages. Some systems only change the room temperature very slowly. The reason for this is the low temperatures during heating operation.

If this type of heating is retrofitted, the room height changes. Keep this in mind when setting up large rooms. In addition, the installation and repair costs are higher here than with conventional radiators. Accordingly, rehabilitation is relatively expensive.

You cannot use any floor covering with underfloor heating. Before you decide on a specific floor, ask a heat pump underfloor heating (warmtepomp vloerverwarming) specialist whether the desired covering is suitable.

Electrical system compared to the hot water variant

You have the choice between electric underfloor heating and hot water underfloor heating. Installing electric underfloor heating results in high power consumption for you. As a rule, the power is 100 to 160 watts per square meter.

Electric underfloor heating heats up much faster than the hot water system. In contrast to the electric model, the latter can be connected to existing heating systems. You also have the choice of whether the system is fed with oil, gas, pellets, a heat pump or solar power.

You can lay the hot water underfloor heating in your preschool classrooms in different ways. Choose between a dry and a wet system. The dry system is usually more expensive, but is more suitable for installation during renovations or refurbishments. You can lay prefabricated floor elements similar to heating pipes.

With the wet system, flexible plastic pipes are installed in the floor according to your wishes and therefore adapt much better to your requirements. A disadvantage, however, is the use of screed after laying. A later conversion is only possible with considerable effort.

Effective Tricks When Teaching Your Rabbit


Rabbits make excellent pets since they are highly intelligent and can be taught to do fun tricks. Typically, rabbits are highly driven by treats and will go to any lengths to obtain that delicious slice of banana. Spending time and developing a close relationship with your pet may be a lot of fun through training.

I created these skills that I impart to my rabbits. These tricks employ a mix of clicker training, enticing, and straightforward classical conditioning as training methods.

1. Arrive when prompted

I’ve tried a few different methods to train my bunnies to recognize their names and come when called. I began by attempting the clicker training method, which employs a click sound to aid the rabbit in learning the right behavior.

The fundamental measures you should do are:

As you give your rabbit a reward, call their name. When they are already next to you and taking the treat out of your hand, you should initially only say their name (or whatever signal word you wish to use).

When your rabbit approaches, call their name and reward them with a goodie. Try calling your rabbits’ names while they are not right next to you after calling their names for a few weeks while giving them treats. Give them a treat if they approach to strengthen the cue.


2. I’ll kiss you

It’s surprisingly simple to teach a rabbit the trick of giving kisses. In less than a day, some rabbits will be able to calculate this out. Even a few rabbits I’ve worked with were able to figure it out in about five minutes.

For a treat, raise your rabbit’s nose.

Put the treat close to your face.

So that the rabbit has to look for the treat, conceal it in your hand.

Give your rabbit the treat when they begin to sniff around your mouth and make a kissing noise.

Don’t be impatient if this takes a few days if this is your first time teaching your rabbit tricks. The idea is to draw the rabbit’s nose up close to your face, let it sniff about a bit, and then reward it when it does so effectively.

